Comparison between conventional duplex ultrasonography and the dual-gate Doppler mode for hemodynamic measurements of the carotid arteries
Jeanne Hersant, Pierre Ramondou, Delphine Douillet, Stanislas Abrard, Patrick Vandeputte, François-Xavier Lapébie, Pierre Abraham, Samir Henni
Ultrasonography. 2022;41(2):373-381.   Published online 2021 Nov 10     DOI:
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Matrine Combined with Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Inhibitor Enhances Anti-Tumor Efficacy of dendritic cell Vaccines in hepatocellular carcinoma
Ning Zhou, Sheng Li, Fan Zhang, Cong Chen, Yumin Li
Bioengineered.2022; 13(4): 9274.     CrossRef