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Dongil Choi 3 Articles
15 Evaluation of Early Vascular Complications after Liver Transplantation: Usefulness of Power Doppler US with a Microbubble Contrast Agent - Preliminary Results.
Dongil Choi, Hyo Keun Lim, Seung Hoon Kim, Jae Min Cho, Ji Yeon Lee, Won Jae Lee, Jae Hoon Lim, Yong Seon Pyeun, Jae Won Joh, Sung Joo Kim
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 2001;20(1):15-21.   Published online March 1, 2001
161 Usefulness of High-Resolution Sonography in Early Diagnosis of Rabbit Clonorchiasis.
Jae Hoon Lim, Dongil Choi, Sung Tae Hong, Mejeong Lee, Il Gyu Chung, Lae Hyun Phyun, Yong Seon Pyeun
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1999;18(3):161-166.   Published online January 1, 2001
323 Regenerative Nodules in Liver Cirrhosis: Sonographic Appearance and Pathologic Correlation.
Dongil Choi, Jae Hoon Lim, Eung Yeop Kim, Cheol Keun Park, Yeon Kwon Jeong
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1998;17(4):323-332.   Published online January 1, 2001
Volume44 No. 1
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