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Author :
Jae Joon Chung 4 Articles
235 Testicular Involvement of Tuberculous Epididymitis : Sonographic Findings
Jae Joon Chung, Joong Hwa Park, Yeon Hee Lee, Myeong Jin Kim, Hyung Sik Yoo, JOng Tae Lee
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):235-241.
243 Ultrasonographic Findings of Extratesticular Diseases Causing Acute Scrotal Disorders
Jae Joon Chung, Tack Lee, So Yong Chang, Myeong Jin Kim, Hyung Sik Yoo, Jong Tae Lee
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):243-249.
91 Ultrasonographic Findings of Mumps Orchitis and Epididymo-Orchitis
Yeon Kwon Ihn, Jae Joon Chung, Myeong Jin Kim, Hyung Sik Yoo, Jong Tae Lee
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(1):91-96.
1 Chronic Liver Disease : Value of Sonographic Study of the Liver Surface
Jae Joon Chung, Myeong Jin Kim, Kwang Hyub Han, Chae Yoon Choe, Hyung Sik Yoo, Jong Tae Lee, Ki Whang Kim
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1995;14(1):1-6.
Volume44 No. 1
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