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Malignancy Rates of Suspicious Breast Lesions in Patients on Annual Screening or Regular Follow-up Ultrasonography.
Hera Kang, Sung Hun Kim, Bong Joo Kang, Byung Gil Choi
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2013;32(3):182-188.   Published online September 30, 2013
Usefulness of Second-look Ultrasound for Preoperative Breast MRI-detected Suspicious Lesions in Breast Cancer Patients.
Jaegu Yoon, Bong Joo Kang, Sung Hun Kim, Jae Jeong Choi, Yeong Yi An, Hanna Kim
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2012;31(2):99-106.   Published online June 30, 2012
Diffuse Type Primary Mycobacterium Tuberculosis of the Breast: A Case Report.
Hyun A Kim, Bong Joo Kang, Sung Hun Kim, Hnana Kim, Ah Won Lee
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2011;30(4):307-310.   Published online December 1, 2011
The B-mode Sonography and Sonoelastographic Features of Sclerosing Adenosis of the Breast.
Joo Hwa Myong, Sung Hun Kim, Bong Joo Kang, Young I Ahn, Soo Kyoung Yoon, A Won Lee, Kwang Il Yim, Tae Eun Kim, Byung Joo Song
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2011;30(2):141-145.   Published online June 1, 2011
Mammographic and Ultrasonographic Findings of the Chemoport Insertion Site.
Seun Jung Kim, Bong Joo Kang, Eun Suk Cha, Hye Jung Park, Sung Hun Kim, Jae Jeong Choi, Ji Hye Lee
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2010;29(2):89-95.   Published online June 1, 2010
Sensitivity and Specificity of Screening Mammographies and Ultrasonographies Performed in Women at Seven Health Promotion Centers for One year.
Hyun Sung Kim, Bong Joo Kang, Jae Hee Lee, Hyeon Woo Yim, Seung Eun Jung, Byung Gil Choi, Hyun Suk Kim, Eun Suk Cha, Sung Hun Kim, Na Young Jung, Chang Suk Park, In Young Whang
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2010;29(1):1-5.   Published online March 1, 2010
Sonographic Findings of Polyacrylamide Gel Mammoplasty: A Report of Three Cases.
Jae Jeong Choi, Bong Joo Kang, Jae Hee Lee, Sung Hun Kim
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2009;28(2):103-107.   Published online June 1, 2009
Ultrasonographic Findings of Mammographic Architectural Distortion.
Jeong Hyun Ma, Bong Joo Kang, Eun Suk Cha, Seol Hwangbo, Hyeon Sook Kim, Changsuk Park, Sung Hun Kim, Jae Jeong Choi, Yong An Chung
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2008;27(2):75-82.   Published online June 1, 2008
Ultrasonographic and Mammographic Findings of Nodular Sclerosing Adenosis.
Changsuk Park, Jae Hee Lee, Sul Hwangbo, Bong Joo Kang, Hyeon Sook Kim, Eun Suk Cha, Kijun Kim, Kyung Myung Sohn, Lee So Maeng
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2007;26(4):195-200.   Published online December 1, 2007
Sonographic Findings of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Associated Nodular Lesions .
Bong Joo Kang, Young Ha Park, So Lyung Jung, Soo Kyo Chung
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2007;26(4):189-194.   Published online December 1, 2007
Focal Hepatic Fibrosis Characterized by Ultrasonography, Not Seen on CT and MRI: A Case Report.
In Yong Whang, Bong Joo Kang, Seung Eun Jung, Jae Mun Lee, Ahwon Lee, Seong Tai Hahn
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 2003;22(3):107-110.   Published online September 1, 2003
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