Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1994;13(1): 47-52.
Normal periventricular echogenicity: evolutionary changes according to postmenstrual age
Periventricular leukomalacia is a hypoxic brain damage frequently seen in premature newborns. It ischaracterized by broad band-like hyperechogenecity adjacnt to the lateral ventricles on ultrasound. it isdifficult, however, to diagnose periventricular leukomalacia by ultrasound, asthe normal newborns also showsimilar periventricular echogenicity. On the order hand, we noticed that the normal periventricular echogenicitywas more echogenic and its extent was wider in the premature newborns than in the full-terms. We performed thisprospective study to document the evolutionary change on the extent and reflectivity of the periventricularechogenicity in relation to the postmenstrual age (PMA) and to evaluate the possibility of differentiation ofperiventricular leukomalacia from normal periventricular echogenicity by providing age-related ultrasound samples.The neurosonography was performed in 113 neurologically normal newborns who were randomly selected from thenewborns in the nursery and neonatal intensive care unit. Twp radiologists classified the neurosonograms of the 90babies, who showed normal neurological development, into 6 grades according to the extent and reflectivity ofperiventricular echogenicity without any information of the PMA. There was statistically inverse relationshipbetween the two parameters ; the grade of extent and reflectivity of periventricular echogenicity and the PMA ofthe baby(R=-0.657) In conclusion, patients' patients' PMA should be considered, when we perform ultrasonographyfor the evaluation of hypoxic brain damage which frequently occurs in the premature newborns. We thick that themore accurate differentiation of the periventricula leukomalacia from the normal periventricular echogenicity maybe possible, if we can provide the age-related normal ultrasound samples of the premature and full-term newborns.