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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1994;13(2): 117-122.
Assessmen of reducibility of ileocolic intussusception in children: Value of color Doppler sonography
Sang Hoo Bae, Hyo Keun Lim, Ku Sub Yun, Gwy Suk Seo, Eun Ah Kim, In Jae Kim, So Yeon Cho
Department of Radiology, Hallym University College of Medicinge Department of Radiology, Samsung Medical Center1
To assess the diagnostic value of ultrasound (US) in clinically suspected childhood intussusception and todetermine whether color Doppler sonography (CDS) could give information about the viability of bowel and thepossibility of pneumatic reduction, the authors prospectively performed US in 176 children suspected of havingintussusception. US was positive for intussusception in 65 cases of 64 patients, and they were confirmed withsubsequent air enema. Cases with negative sonograms were confirmed with diagnostic air enema or clinicalfollow-up. Both the sensitivity and the specificity of US for the diagnosis of intussusception were 100%. ColorDoppler examination was performed in 64 patients with 65 positive US examinations for intussusception. Of the 65intussusceptum, and pneumatic reduction was successful in 58. The remaining four cases with color blood flowfailed pneumatic reduction, but underwent manual reduction of viable bowel at surgery. Three patients, who showedno color Doppler signal in the intussusceptum, required segmental resection of necrotic bowel. Difference ofreductin rates between the group with blood flow and the group without blood flow as determined by CDS wasstatistically significant (P=.0008) The authors conclude that US is very sensitive in the diagnosis ofintussusception and the presence or absence of blood flow in the intussusceptum on CDS is a promising predictor ofbowel viability.
Keywords: Children, gastrointestinal tract, Intussusception, Gastrointestinal tract, US,
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