Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Keimyung University College of Medicine
We analyzed the sonograms of 6 cases with uterine synechiae in pregnancy. The diagnosis was based on theclinical and sonographic findings. previous curretage during the artificial abortion and/or after the spontaneousabortion had been done in 5 cases (83.3%). In all cases, uterine synechia in pregnancy was recognized asintra-amniotic sheet containing hypoechoic central zone and an hyperechoic outer layers. Y-shaped splitting of thehyperechoic outer layers was seen against the uterine wall. The placenta extended along the sheet in 4 cases.Uterine synechiae in pregnancy should be distingished from amniotic band syndrome by the characteristic snographicfindings, and unwarranted abortion of normal fetus should be avoided.