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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1995;14(1): 59-64.
Stress Urinary lncontinence : Comparative Study of Perineal Sonography in Erect Position and ChainCystourethrograpy
Gi Seok Han, Seung Hyup Kim, Kyung Mo Yeon, Man Chung Han, Jae Seung Paick
Department of Radiology, Urology1 Seoul National University College of Medicine
PURPOSE : Authors investigated the diagnostic value of perineal sonography in erect position for patients withstress urinary incontinence. MATERIAL & METHODS : Perineal sonography and chain cystourethrography were performedin 18 female patients(mean age 51.2) with stress urinary incontinence. The posterior urethrovesical angles instress and rest states were measured in both studies and compared with each other. RESULT : Mean posteriorurethrovesical angles(±2 standard error) in rest and stress states were 136.3(±7.2)°, and 145.9(±7.0)°forchain cystourethrography and 131.4(±5.6)° and 143.4(±5.9)°for perineal sonography, respectively. The datafrorm both studies correlated well with cach othcr. CONCLUSlON : Perineal sonography inerect position is easy,non-invasive technique and may substitute the chain cystourethrography in the evaluation of the patients withstress urinary incontinece.
Keywords: Ultrasonography Cystourethrography Stress incontinence
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