Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Asan Medical Center University of Ulsan College of Medicine
We report our ultrasonographic experiences in the evaluation of small midline scalp masses. Ultrasonographywas performed in four patients with midline scalp mass less than 3cm and its connecting tract into the cranialcavity. Ultrasonographic findings were correlated with pathologic results. There were three cephaloceles and onecystic lymphangioma. Two encephalomenin-goceles, located in occipital region, were mixed cystic and solid lesionsand one atretic meningocele in parietal region was a solid lesion. Ultrasonogram of all three cases showedcalvarial defect and connecting tract into the cranial cavity. On the contrary, a cystic lymphangioma in occipitalregion was a purely cystic mass without an associated calvarial defect. We suppose that ultrasonography could be auseful screening tool in the evaluation of midline scalp masses.