Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Internal Medicine1, College of Medicine, Kyungpook University
PURPOSE : The purpose of this study was to determine wheter duplex ultrasonography can allow early detectionof renal functional impairment identity the patients under high risk for renal failure among thore with livercirrhosis. MATERIALS & METHODS : We measured the intrarenal resistive index by using duplex ultrasonography in 26patients of liver cirrhosis with normal renal function test. For statistical comparison, we measured theintrarenal resistive index of 10 adults with normal liver and kidneys. We evaluated the relationships between theseverity of liver cirrhosis and intrarenal resistive index. We also calculated the difference in intrarenalresistive index between the patients with ascites and those without ascites. RESULTS : The intrarenal resistiveindex in cirrhotic patients group(0.67±0.065) was significantly higher than that in control group(0.56±0.007).The intrarenal resistive index of patients with ascites (0.70±0.052) was also higher than that of those withoutascites (0.60±0.033). The intrarenal resistive index of the patients with Child class C disease (0.73±0.036) washigher than the resistive index of those with Child class A disease (0.60±0.043) and those with Child class B(0.64±0.037). CONCLUSION : Renal resistive index measurement by non-invasive duplex ultrasonography can detectsubtle derangement of renal hemodynamics in liver cirrhosis and may be useful for identification of patients withhigher risk of renal failure and to guide the therapeutic approach.