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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1995;14(2): 169-174.
EvaIuation of NormaI Erectile Function with Duplex CoIor Doppler Sonography after lntracavernosaI Injection ofProstaglandin E1 : Optimal Site and Time of Doppler Measurement
Jong Min Kim, Kyung Seoung Oh, Gyoo Sik Jung, Jin Do Huh, Yong Kuk Joh, Seong Choi
Department of Radiology, Kosin Medical College, Department of Urology, Kosin Medical College1
PURPOSE : We performed color Doppler sonography(CDS) to examine the erectile process in normal volunteer forevaluating the proper time and adequate site for sampling volume of penile cavernous artery after intracorporealinjection of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1). METERIALS & METHODS : 23 normal volunteers(mean age 22 years) were exmined.CDS of both cavernous arteries was performed consecutively during 30~40 minutes after injection of PGE1 toevaluate peak systolic and end diastolic velocities. We measured the peak systolic velocities at three differentsites along the right cavernous artery to evaluate the velocities and to determine the most proper site at whichthe Doppler angle could be optimally made. RESULTS : The mean value of maximal peak systolic of right and leftcavernous arteries were61.0 and 58.8 cm/sec with mean time-to-peak of 10.8 and 13.4 minutes respectively, andconfidence interval between 9.6~12 minutes (P<0.05) on the right. The mean value of minimal diastoic velocitieswere -4.8 and -3.5 cm/sec with reaching times of 8.7 and 8.2 minutes respectively, and confidence interval between1~10.3 minutes (P<0.05) on the right. The peak systolic velocities at three sites (A, B, C) along the rightcavernous artery were 773.6, 53.1, 36.3 cm/sec from proximal site A to distal site C. The site A was suitable formaintenance of proper Dopler angle. CONCLUSION : CDS of the penis should be examined between 7.1∼12 minitea afterintracorporeal injection of PGE1 at site A (at penile base).
Keywords: Impotence. penis Ultrasound Doppler studies
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