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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1995;14(2): 195-199.
lntraoraI Sonography of Peritonsillar Abscess
Jong Nam Lim, Tae Haeng Heo, Chang Dae Lee, Hae Jeong Jeon, Jeong Hee Park, Kyung Shik Suh, Jae Won Ahn
Department of Radiology, Department of E.N.T1, Collage of Medicine, Kon Kuk University, diagnostic Radiology, Hanil Hospital2
We evaluated the usefulness of intraoral US and color doppler image(CDI) in differential diagnosis of theperitonsillar abscess from peritonsillar cellulitis. We assessed thirteen patients who were clinically suspectedof peritonsillar abscess, by using intra-oral sonography with 7-MHz curved linear array transducer. Theperitonsillar abscess, which was diagnosed in eight patients(6 confirmed by needle aspiration), revealedinhomogeneous, hypoechoic, enlarged tonsils on gray scale image, and showed rim-shaped, increased color signal onCDI. The peritonsillar cellulitis revealed homogeneously CDI. The sensitivity of the intraoral sonographicdiagnosis for peritonsillar abscess was 85.7% with specificity of 100% and accuracy of 88.9%. We concluded thatthe intraoral US is useful in diagnosis of peritonsillar abscess which showes rim-shaped increased cilor signal onCDI.
Keywords: Tonsil Peritonsillar abscess Intraoral US Color doppler
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