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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1995;14(2): 201-209.
The Role of Color Doppler UItrasonography in Characterization of Thyroid Tumors
Hee Soo Kim, Pyong Jeon, Jong Yoon Won, Jae Beom Na, Hyang Mee Lee, Hyung Sik Yoo, Jong Tae Lee, Jeong Soo Park, Nam Hoon Cho
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Medical College of Yonsei University Department of Surgery1, Department of Pathology2
To assess the usefulness of color Doppler ultrasonograph in the charaterization of thyroid tumors, surgicallyproven 88 nodules in 85 patients were evaluated. Using 10 MHz linear array transducer, gray scale images wereinitially evaluated. Then, distribution pattern of color signals (marginal, intra-tumoral, mixed) and gradedinternal vascularity according to morphology of color signal (0;abscence of internal signal, 1; spotty, 2; linear,3; branching) were observed on color doppler imaging. Pulsed doppler waves were analyzed with parameters includingpeak systolic velocity(PSV), resistive index(RI), and pulsatile index(PI). Significantly larger numbers ofintra-tumoral type, 20 cases(62.5%), were observed in malignant nodules, whereas mixed forms were predominant inbenign group, 37 cases (66%) In graded internal vascularity, malignant nodules tended to have grade 2 or 3signals, whereas benign nodules tended to have grade 0 or 1 signals. Spectral wave analysis show no significantdifference in the value of PSV, RI, and PI between malignancy and benignity group. In conclusion, color Dopplerimaging has a potential role in the characterization of thyroid nodules as a supportive method for gray scalediagnosis.
Keywords: Thyroid tumor. Ultrasonography Thyroid tumor. Color Doppler Ultrasonography
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