Department of Radiology, College of Mdeicine, Hallym University, Department of Radiology, Friends' Hospital1
The exact diagnosis of extent of chest trauma is occasionally important on medico-legalaspect. However,undisplaced rib fractures, fractures involving costchondral junction and sternal fractures are often invisible insimple radiographs. We performed ultrasongraphy and bone scan in 27 patients with suspected fractures of ribs,costochondral junctions or sternum that were not visualized on simple radiography. We compared the detectibilityof the each diagnositic modality in detecting hidden fractures. Fifteen(56%) of 27 patients showed costochondraljunction fractures, of them ultrasonography was superior to bone scan in five cases(33.3%). Seven(26%) of 27patients showed sternal fractures, of whom ultrasongraphy was superior to bone scan in one case(14.3%).Fourteen(52%) of total 27 patients showed indisplaced rib fractures, of whom ultrasongraphy was superior to bonescan in three case(21.5%). In conclusion ultrasonography is a useful imaging modality for detection of fracturesin costochondral junction, sternum, and rib which are not visible at radiography.