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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1996;15(1): 49-55.
Sonographic Features of Colonic Diverticulitis
Yu Mee Jeong, Young Tae Ko, Joo Won Lim, Dong Ho Lee, Yup Yoon
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Kyung Hee University Hospital
PURPOSE : To evaluate sonographic features, location of diverticulum, and usefulness of sonography as aprimary diagnostic tool. MATERIAL & METHODS : Sonographic findings of 28 patients with acute diverticulitis werereviewed. The diagnosis was made by surgery (11 patients), barium enema (20 paients), colonoscopy (3 patients), orCT (2 patients). There were 13 men and 15 women with ages ranging from 23 to 71 years old (mean, 33 years old).RESULTS : Sonographic abnormalities were seen in the cecum in 12 patients, both the cecum and ascending colon inseven, the ascending colon in six, the descending colon in two, and the transverse colon in one. On sonography,segmental thickening of the colonic wall was the most common finding, seen in 16 patients. The second most commonfinidngs were pericolic omental thickening and pericolic localized fluid collection (15 patients). Pericolicinflammatory mass of varying echogenicity (10 patients), outpouching hyperechoic foci beyond the lumen of thecolon into or beyond the thickened wall (5 patients), contracture of the colon (5 patients), slightly thickenedterminal ileum (1 patient), and local enlargement of ileocecal lymph node (1 patient) were also seen. CONCLUSION :Most diverticulitis occured in the right colon. The useful sonographic findings in acute diverticulitis wereechogenic foci of the diverticulum in the thickened colonic wall, focally and eccentrically thickened colonicwall, and localized omental thickening or fluid collection. In cases of pericecal fluid collection, appendicitisor colonic diverticulitis can be considered as a differential diagnosis.
Keywords: Ultrasound. colon, Colon. diverticula, Colon. diverticulitis
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