Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Korea University College of Medicine
PURPOSE : To analyze the mechanism of posterior acoustic enhancement (PAE) and edge shadowing (ES) of mass onsonography. MATERIAL & METHODS : We produced varied mass in liver tissue-equivalent material (LTEM) showed PAE andES on sonography using agar, distilled water, n-propyl alcohol (determines acoustic velocity[AV]) and powderedgraphite (determines acoustic attenuation[AA]). Then we observed PAE and ES of mass. RESULTS : As AA of mass waslower than that of LTEM, more intense PAE and ES were seen. As AV of AM was lower than that of LTEM, more distinctES were seen. We could observe PAE and ES if only AA of mass was lower than that of LTEM even though AV of massand LTEM were same, but we could not observe PAE and ES if only AV of mass was lower than that of LTEM. ES wasmore distinct in round or oval mass than serrated or lobulated one. PAE and ES were more intense in 3 cm sizedmass than 1 cm sized one. CONCLUSION : Lower AA of mass than that of LTEM is essential to see PAE and ES of masson sonography and AV, shape, and size of mass partly affect PAE and / or ES.