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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1996;15(2): 235-241.
Testicular Involvement of Tuberculous Epididymitis : Sonographic Findings
Jae Joon Chung, Joong Hwa Park, Yeon Hee Lee, Myeong Jin Kim, Hyung Sik Yoo, JOng Tae Lee
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yonsei Univesity College of Medicine Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine1 Department of Radiology, Dan Kook University Hospital2 Department of Pathology, Yonsej University Col
PURPOSE : To report the sonographic findings of testicular involvement of tuberculous epididymitis. MATERIAL &METHODS : The sonographic findings of testicular involvement in twelve patients with histologically proventuberculous epididymitis were retrospectively reviewed. RESULTS : The sonographic findings of testicular lesionsare 1) an ill defined hypoechoic lesion (3 cases, 25.0%), 2) a well-demarcated hypoechoic lesion (3 cases, 25.0%),3) multiple and small hypoechoic nodules in the enlarged testis (2 cases, 16.7%), 4) indistinct margin between thetestis and epididymis (2 cases, 16.7%) and 5) a diffusely enlarged testis with hypoechogenicity (2 cases, 16.7%).Nine patients had ipsilateral epididymitis, and 3 patients had bilateral epididymitis. Pus discharge through thedraining sinus tract was noted in 4 cases (33.3%), and hydrocele in 8 cases (66.7%). No parenchymal calcificationwas seen in the involved testis. CONCLUSION : Sonographic findings of testicular involvement in tuberculousepididymitis were various.
Keywords: Tuberculosis. genitourinary, Testis. US, Epididymis, US
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