Department of Radiology, Pathology2, College of Medicine, Ajou University Department of Radiology, Yonsij University College of Medicine1
PURPOSE : To describe the characteristic sonohystero-graphic features of submucosal myoma and to determine thediagnostic usefullness of sonohysterography (SH) in the differentiation of submucosal myoma from endometrialpolyp. MATERIAL & METHODS : We evaluated the SH findings of 15 (16 cases) patients with histologically confirmedsubmucosal myoma and compared these findings with 15 endometrial polyp patients (18 cases). The characteristics ofecho patterns, angle between the mass and endometrium, and the presence of hyperechoic line overlying mass lesionand its thickness were compared between submucosal myoma and endometrial polyp. RESULTS : SH findings ofsubmucosal myoma are iso (n = 14) or hypoechoic (n = 2) than myometrium, and show heterogenous echotexture (n =15) and posterior shadowings (n = 13). Angles between mass and endometrium are obtuse (n = 12). In all patientswith submucosal myoma, hyperechoic line consistent with the layer of endometrium was detected as overlying thesubmucosal myoma in SH. Histologic findings of the endometrium were correlated. CONCLUSION : Visualization ofendometrium overlying the submucosal myoma with SH allowed differentiation of submucosal myoma from endometrialpolyp and SH is useful in the diagnosis and the proper management of submucosal myoma.