Depattment of Diagnostic Radiology, Obstetrics and Gynedcoogy1 Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine
PURPOSE : To estimate the grade of fetal pyelectasis that should be followed on postnatal period. MATERIAL &METHODS : The study population was composed of 31 kidneys of 20 fetuses with suspected pyelectasis (≥ 4.5 mm) onprenatal USG. We measured the AP diameter of renal pelvis on axial scan of fetal abdomen. Fetal pyelectasis wasgraded in three : grade I (4.5∼9.9 mm), grade II (10.0∼14.9 mm), and grade III (≥ 15 mm). These results werecompared with postnatal outcome. RESULTS : Among twenty-one kidneys of grade I pyelectasis, nineteen kidneys werediagnosed as normal on postnatal follow-up. One was diagnosed as duplicated urinary system, which had ureteraldilatation and ureterocele on prenatal USG. The other one was diagnosed as primary megaureter, which had ureteraldilatation on prenatal USG. Five kidneys were grade II : three were diagnosed as normal and two UPJ stenosis. Fivekidneys were grade III : one was diagnosed as duplication and four UPJ stenosis. CONCLUSION : Most of minimalpyelectasis (< 10 mm) on prenatal USG have no significance on postnatal period. In contrast, minimal pyelectasiswith other urinary tract abnormalities and moderate to severe pyelectasis (≥ 10 mm) should be followed up.