Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
Diagnosis and successful reduction of intussusception using realtime ultrasonography and saline enema wasreported in 2 cases of ileocolic childhood intussusception. The principle of this saline enema is the same withbarium enema in terms of hydrostatic reduction. But barium and fluoroscopy were replaced by warm normal saline andrealtime ultrasonography. Characteristic ultrasonographic findings of intussusception prior to and during thesaline enema were well demonstrated. Reduction process of intussusception could be traced by real time scan alongthe course of the colon and successful reduction could be confirmed by ultrasonography alone. Ultrasonographicevidences of successful reduction were loss of echogenic mass with rapid turbulent flow of saline in cecum andabsence of target sign in ultrasonography after evaluation of saline. This new method not only is free fromradiation exposure and risk of barium peritonitis but also shows characteristic ultrasonographic findings ofintussusception as specific as barium enema. Therefore it is expected that hydrostatic saline enema with reatimeultrasonography can replace the barium enema as a treatment of choice of childhood intussusception.