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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1983;2(1): 73-76.
ultrasonographic diagnosis of pancreatic fracture
Seong Ku Woo, Jae Hoo Lim, Young Tae Ko, Yong Dae Choi, Yup Yoon, Soo yong
Department of radiology, Kyung Hee University Hospital
The pancreatic fracture, known also as complete transection of the pancreas, is severe injury of the pancreas characterized by complete vertical transection of its body overlying the body of the vertebra. The authors diagnosed three cases of traumatic fracture of the pancreas by ultrasonography and these were confirmed surgically. Ultrasonography disclosed an anechoic fluid collection between the separated parenchyma of the body of the pancreas anterior to the superior mesenteric artery. The remaining pancreas enlarged diffusely and decreased in echogenecity. Associated feature was accumulation of fluid in the lesser sac and the peritoneal cavity.
Keywords: pancreas, USstudies
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