Ultrasonography Search


Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1989;8(2): 129-134.
duplex sonographic findings in hepatocelluar carcinoma
Won Jae Lee
Duplex sonography was used to examine in 26 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma which was confirmed by the subsequent surgery or angiography together with the laboratory findings. The patients were placed into one of four categories according to the size of the tumors: smaller than 5cm (n=2), 5-10cm (n=7), 10-15cm (n=12), and larger than 15cm (n=5). The correlation between the size of the tumor and a) the doppler shift frequency of the hepatic artery (n=22), b) the average velocity of the main portal vein (n=18) and c) the Doppler shift frequency of the tumor signal (n=20) was analysed. The pattern of the tumor signals were also observed. Although the initial result was statistically insignificant, further inverstigation with a larger number of patients should produce signal were observed: pulsatile (n=18), wavy (n=3) and continuous (n=9). The pulsatile and wavy forms were correlated with arteriovenous fistula on angiography.
Keywords: liver, US studies, liver neoplasm, US studies
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