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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1989;8(2): 187-191.
nabothian cysts L ultrasound evaluation and diagnostic value
Mi Sook Sung
A total of 114 patients among the 853 patients who underwent sonograms were found to have Nabothian cyst. Sixty eighy patients (60%) had multiple cysts, ranging in number from two to seven cysts (average three cysts), The size was 0.2-2.1 cm in diameter(average three cysts). The cysts were in the upper portion in 62% and lower portion in 38% of the time. Of the 114 patients who had Nabothian cyst, 54 patients(49%)had chronic cervicitis, whereas 59 patients(8%)among the 739 patients who did not have Nabothian cyst had chronic cervicitis;this result suggests that Nabothian cyst is frequently associated with chronic cervicitis.
Keywords: uterus, cyst, uterus, US studies
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