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CHEON: Ultrasonography: celebrating 10 years of progress and opening a new chapter in 2024
Ultrasonography, which was re-launched as an English-language journal in January 2014, is now celebrating its 10th anniversary. The journal has been steadily gaining recognition and citations within the academic community. Its inclusion in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) in 2019 marked a significant milestone, catalyzing a substantial increase in citations of articles from Ultrasonography. Data from the Journal Citation Report (JCR) database indicate that the total citation count increased from approximately 600 in 2019 to 1,200 in both 2021 and 2022 [1]. As a result, the JCR impact factor for Ultrasonography in 2022 has remained stable at 3.1.
To celebrate this milestone, Ultrasonography is embarking on a new initiative to accelerate the dissemination of cutting-edge research in the field. Beginning in 2024, the journal will transition to a bimonthly publication schedule, releasing six issues each year. This change is intended to shorten the publication interval, thereby ensuring the swift and widespread dissemination of research findings and fostering an increase in citations in related studies.
The surge in manuscript submissions after inclusion in SCIE has resulted in a higher number of articles being published each year. However, an analysis of citation rates shows a clear difference: review articles receive about four citations per article, whereas original articles average only one citation per article. In light of the importance of producing content that is both widely read and frequently cited, Ultrasonography will begin to actively seek out more review articles starting in 2024.
To increase the visibility and citation impact of our publications, Ultrasonography will begin incorporating graphic abstracts starting in 2024. These graphic abstracts will provide concise summaries in the form of a single image or diagram, offering an effective way to engage readers and facilitate understanding of the content. The editorial office will take the initiative to create these graphic abstracts independently.
Simultaneously, changes to the editorial board and measures to strengthen the review team are in progress to ensure the qualitative improvement of published papers. Rigorous peer reviews, conducted by experts in their respective fields, are designed to enhance the value of each article in Ultrasonography. We extend our gratitude to the current editorial board members for their tireless contributions and look forward to the dedication of new reviewers and board members.
In a significant update, Ultrasonography announces the introduction of article processing charges (APCs). Although not previously required, this change has been made after a thorough consideration and operational review aimed at addressing challenges and improving the quality of the journal. We kindly request the understanding and cooperation of researchers who are scheduled to publish in Ultrasonography.
Sincere appreciation is extended to the researchers, reviewers, and editors whose contributions have shaped the journal Ultrasonography over the past decade. As the journal continues to evolve, it is poised to become even more advanced, thanks to your interest and understanding.


1. Journal Citation Reports. JCR year 2022. Ultrasonography [Internet]. Philadelphia, PA: Clarivate, 2023 [cited 2023 Dec 5]. Available from: https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=ULTRASONOGRAPHY&year=2022&fromPage=%2Fjcr%2Fbrowse-journals.

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