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Journal of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 2013;32(3): 207-211.
The Radiopathologic Correlation of Breast Plasmacytoma.
Yun Jung Bae, Mijung Jang, Bo La Yun, Hye Shin Ahn, Mi Sun Kim, Sun Mi Kim, So Yeon Park, Sung Won Kim, Eunyoung Kang
1Department of Radiology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Korea. mjjang74@gmail.com
2Department of Pathology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Korea.
3Department of Surgery, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Korea.
  Published online: September 30, 2013.
Plasmacytoma of the breast is a rare tumorous condition referring to an extramedullary proliferation of malignant plasma cells, commonly associated with multiple myeloma. Due to its rarity, little is known about the radiologic findings to date. We report on a case of plasmacytoma of the breast as a manifestation of multiple myeloma with its radiopathologic correlation.
Keywords: Breast; Multiple Myeloma; Plasmacytoma
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