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Journal of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 2010;29(1): 69-71.
The Ultrasound Diagnosis of Round Ligament Varices That Mimicked Inguinal Hernias During Pregnancy: A Case Report.
Hyung Jo Yoon, Sang Hee Cho, Hyun Woong Shin, Seong Hun Kim, Kyung Hwan Byun
1Department of Radiology, Daegu Fatima Hospital, Korea.
2Department of Radiology, CHA Gumi Medical Center, CHA University, Korea. jasmin0829@nate.com
  Published online: March 1, 2010.
Round ligament varices during pregnancy are an important part of the differential diagnosis of inguinal hernia as they may cause symptoms and clinical features that are similar to those of inguinal hernia. When this condition is correctly diagnosed, an unnecessary operation may be prevented. The diagnosis of round ligament varices should be considered for pregnant women who present with a palpable mass in the groin. We describe here a case of round ligament varices that presented during pregnancy and this was readily diagnosed with Doppler sonography.
Keywords: Round ligament varix; Inguinal hernia; Ultrasonography; Doppler sonography; Pregnancy
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