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Journal of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 2009;28(1): 27-30.
Diagnosis of Parathyroid Adenoma Detected during Thyroid Ultrasound: The Role of Parathormone Measurement in Fine-Needle Aspiration Washout.
Sung Soo Ahn, Eun Kyung Kim, Jin Young Kwak, Min Jung Kim
Department of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiological Science, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. ekkim@yuhs.ac
  Published online: March 1, 2009.
With the widespread use of thyroid ultrasound, the detection rate of parathyroid incidentalomas as well as thyroid nodules has been on the increase. The differentiation between thyroid nodules and parathyroid nodules is occasionally difficult due to considerable overlap in terms of the sonographic findings. A case of parathyroid adenoma diagnosed with a measured parathyroid hormone level after fine needle aspiration washout is presented.
Keywords: Parathyroid adenoma; Ultrasound; Thyroid; Fine needle aspiration
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