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Journal of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 2008;27(3): 157-161.
US Features of Angioleiomyoma Arising from Superficial Soft Tissue.
Tae Hwan Kim, Seung Ho Joo, Joo Eun Shim, Seung Yong Sung
1Department of Radiology, NHIC Ilsan Hospital, Korea. chonane@medigate.net
2Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, NHIC Ilsan Hospital, Korea.
  Published online: September 1, 2008.
PURPOSE: To describe the sonographic features of angioleiomyoma arising from superficial soft tissue. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study of the sonographic findings of 11 pathologically proven angioleiomyomas was performed. We evaluated the location, layer, size, shape, margin, echotexture, echogenicity, internal content, presence of calcification, and relationship to adjacent structures on gray scale sonography. We evaluated the presence, degree, and distribution pattern of vascularity within the mass on color Doppler sonography. RESULTS: All tumors were located in the subcutaneous layers of the extremities (5 in hand, 2 in elbow, 2 in knee, 1 in foot, 1 in calf). The sizes ranged from 8 to 30 mm, with an average size of 15.5 mm. All lesions were relatively homogeneous and hypoechoic, with well-defined margins and oval to round shape. There were no intratumoral calcifications or cystic portions in any of the masses. Vascularity was not detected in any patient (type 1), but was easily detected in 10 other patients. The degree of vascularity was mild (type 2) in 1 patient, moderate (type 3) in 4, and abundant (type 4) in 5. CONCLUSION: Although angioleiomyoma is an uncommon entity, our study suggests that it must be included in the differential diagnosis of well-defined, hypoechoic, vascular subcutaneous tumors in the extremities.
Keywords: Angioleiomyoma; Ultrasound, Mass
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