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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 2004;23(4): 197-201.
Imaging Findings of Fetus in Fetu: A Case Report.
Jung Hun Hong, Jang Ho Kim, Hee Jin Kim, Il Gi Lee, Ji Yeol Shin, Dong Ja Kim
1Department of Radiology, Fatima Hospital, Daegu, Korea. smallkjh@hanmir.com
2Department of Pathology, Fatima Hospital, Daegu, Korea.
  Published online: December 1, 2004.
Fetus in fetu is a rare congenital abnormality associated with abnormal embryogenesis in a diamniotic, monochorionic pregnancy. It is an unusual condition in which a vertebrate fetus is enclosed within the abdomen of a normally developing fetus. We report such a case who was identified by plain abdominal radiograph, ultrasonography, and CT findings.
Keywords: Fetus, abnormalities; Fetus, US; Infants, newborn
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