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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 2004;23(3): 155-160.
Prenatal Sonographic Findings of Polysplenic Syndrome.
Jeong Hyun Yoo, Jeong Soo Suh, Young Ho Lee
1Department of Radiology, Ewha Womans University, College of Medicine, Dongdaemun Hospital, Korea. YooLee@ewha.ac.kr
2Department of Radiology, Sungkyunkwan University, School of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Korea.
  Published online: September 1, 2004.
PURPOSE: We report 6 cases of polysplenic syndrome diagnosed on prenatal sonography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The mean menstrual age at the time of presentation was 275 weeks (range 184 to 38weeks).All cases were examined using level-II prenatal sonography. The sonographic findings of polysplenic syndrome were retrograde analyzed and compared to the autopsy or postnatal findings. RESULTS: Polysplenia was detected in 5 cases on the prenatal sonography. Associated cardiovascular anomalies were detected in all 6 cases, all of which had more than one anomaly, namely complete atrioventricular septal defect in two cases, double outlet right ventricle combined with rudimentary LV or mitral atresia in two cases and VSD and ASD in one case each. There were three cases of interrupted IVC with azygous continuation of the posterior thorax. Bradycardia was observed in 2 cases, one of which showed AV dissociation of rhythm. Visceral abnormalities were present in all cases and there were combined anomalies such as echogenic bowel, pelviectasia, horseshoe kidney, and posterior neck cystic hygroma and fetal hydrops. Four cases terminated pregnancy. The autopsy results of 2 cases were comparable to those of the prenatal sonography, however autopsies were not performed in 2 cases. One fetus near term was delivered and the baby subsequently underwent heart surgery and was still alive at the last follow-up. The remaining one case was lost to follow-up. CONCLUSION: If multiple fetal anomalies, including complex heart disease and polysplenia, are detected in the prenatal sonography, a diagnosis of polysplenic syndrome can be made. IVC interruption with azygous continuation can also be helpful in the diagnosis of polysplenic syndrome, and this can be observed by detecting the double vessel of the posterior thorax.
Keywords: Fetus, US; Fetus, abnormalities
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