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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 2002;21(3): 197-206.
Doppler Sonography of Diabetic Feet: Quantitative Analysis of Blood Flow Volume.
Young Lan Seo, Ho Chul Kim, Chul Soon Choi, Dae Young Yoon, Dae Hee Han, Jeung Hee Moon, Sang Hoon Bae
Department of Radiology, Hallym University College of Medicine, Korea.
  Published online: September 1, 2002.
PURPOSE: To analyze Doppler sonographic findings of diabetic feet by estimating the quantitative blood flow volume and by analyzing waveform on Doppler. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Doppler sonography was performed in thirty four patients (10 diabetic patients with foot ulceration, 14 diabetic patients without ulceration and 10 normal patients as the normal control group) to measure the flow volume of the arteries of the lower extremities (posterior and anterior tibial arteries, and distal femoral artery). Analysis of Doppler waveforms was also done to evaluate the nature of the changed blood flow volume of diabetic patients, and the waveforms were classified into triphasic, biphasic-1, biphasic-2 and monophasic patterns. RESULTS: Flow volume of arteries in diabetic patients with foot ulceration was increased with a statistical significance when compared to that of diabetes patients without foot ulceration or that of normal control group (p<0.05). Analysis of Doppler waveform revealed that the frequency of biphasic-2 pattern was significantly higher in diabetic patients than in the normal control group (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Doppler sonography in diabetic feet showed increased flow volume and biphasic Doppler waveform, and these findings suggest neuropathy rather than ischemic changes in diabetic feet.
Keywords: Ultrasound(US), Doppler studies; Extremities, blood supply; Diabetes mellitus
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