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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 2002;21(3): 165-170.
Comparison of Quality of Ultrasonographic Image of the Pancreas: Tissue Harmonic Image vs. Fundamental Image.
Young Lan Seo, Chul Soon Choi, Ho Chul Kim, Dae Young Yoon, Dae Hee Han, Sang Hoon Bae
Department of Radiology, Hallym University College of Medicine, Korea.
  Published online: September 1, 2002.
PURPOSE: To compare the quality of ultrasonographic (US) images, tissue harmonic image (THI) versus fundamental image (FI), of the pancreas. MATERIALS AND METHODS: During a recent 2-month period, forty one patients with the normal pancreas on US were included. All of them were free of abnormal clinical and laboratory findings suggestive of pancreatic disease. US was performed by an abdominal radiologist with a 2.5-5 MHz convex-array transducer (Sequoia 512; Acuson, Mountain View, Calif. U.S.A.). Comparison of THI and FI of the pancreas was done for the following parameters: conspicuity, internal architecture, and delineation range. Grading was made by the consensus of two abdominal radiologists with a three-point scale. Statistical analysis was done using Wilcox signed rank sum test. RESULTS: For the evaluation of the US image quality of the pancreas THI showed better conspicuity (p=0.0130), clearer internal architecture (p=0.0029) and superior delineation range (p=0.0191) than those of FI. CONCLUSION: THI appears to show a superior image quality than FI in evaluation of the pancreas.
Keywords: Pancreas, US; Ultrasound (US), harmonic studies; Ultrasound (US), comparative studies
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