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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 2002;21(1): 47-53.
Evolution of Fetal Lung Masses Assessed by Sonography and CT Scan.
Mi Jin Song, Byung Jae Cho
Department of Radiology, Samsung Cheil Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea.
  Published online: March 1, 2002.
PURPOSE: To analyze our data emphasizing the incidence, degree, and time of spontaneous regression of fetal lung masses and to correlate them with the post natal chest CT findings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixteen consecutive fetuses with a lung mass were prospectively studied using sono-graphic examinations at a 3 to 4 weeks interval until the birth. Changes in size and echogenicity of the mass on gray-scale image were evaluated, and the detection of the systemic arterial supply was attempted using color Doppler ultrasonography. Postnatal chest CT was performed, and the size and characteristics of the lung mass was analyzed and compared with the prenatal ultrasonographic findings. RESULTS: The size of masses at the time of diagnosis was 31.4 x 25.1 x 35.5 mm on prenatal sonography. All were echogenic but 9 of them contained cystic components. Color Doppler examination documented an aberrant systemic arterial supply to the mass in 4 cases. Ten cases with the complete resolution of the mass, one case of re-duced size (n=1), one case with increased size, and four without interval change were observed on prenatal sonography. On postnatal chest CT, the size of masses was 32.3 x21.6 x28.3 mm, and the characteristic findings included consolidation with cavity (n=7), consolidation (n=5), cavity (n=1), ground-glass opacity (n=1), emphysema (n=1), and atelectasis (n=1). CONCLUSION: Sixty nine percent of the fetal lung masses showed a regression at 30.4 gestational weeks, and 63% showed the complete disappearance on sonography at 34.4 gestational weeks. However, on the postnatal chest CT scan, all lung lesions were persistently observed, 38% of them showing a decrease in size while 62% of cas-es showed no significant changes.
Keywords: Fetus, respiratory system; Fetus, US; Lung, CT
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