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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 2002;21(1): 39-45.
Prenatal Ultrasonographic Findings of Renal Cystic Diseases of the Fetus.
Jeong Yeon Cho, Mi Jin Song, Young Ho Lee, Byung Jae Cho, Sung Ran Hong
1Department of Radiology, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Samsung Cheil Hospital, Korea. radjycho@samsung.co.kr
2Department of Pathology, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Samsung Cheil Hospital, Korea.
  Published online: March 1, 2002.
The renal cystic diseases of the fetus consist of variable types of multicystic dysplastic kidney, autosomal reces-sive polycystic kidney, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney, obstructive cystic renal dysplasia, simple renal cyst, medullary cystic disease, and various syndromes with associated cystic renal diseases. Prenatal US findings of renal cystic diseases were compared and analyzed with the pathologic and postnatal US findings to establish the differential points of renal cystic diseases.
Keywords: Fetus; US Fetus, abnormalities; Kidney, abnormalities; Kidey, US
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