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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 2001;20(2): 129-135.
Limb-Body Wall Complex: Prenatal Sonographic Findings versus Autopsy Findings.
Mi Jin Song, Jeong Yeon Cho, Young Ho Lee
Department of Radiology, Samsung Cheil Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine.
  Published online: June 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To evaluate prenatal ultrasonogrpahic findings of limb-body wall complex and to correlate them with autopsy findings. MATERIALS and METHODS: From October 1995 to June 2000, a retrospective review of prenatal ultrasonography (US) of 11 patients with pathologically proven limb-body wall complex was done. US findings were then compared with autopsy findings. RESULTS: Prenatal ultrasonography revealed thoraco-abdominoschisis (n=7, 64%), kyphoscoliosis(n=7, 64%), cranial defect(n=5, 45%), limb defect(n=4, 36%), facial defect(n=1, 10%), amniotic band(n=5, 45%), and umbilical cord anomaly(n=3, 27%). Meanwhile, autopsy findings showed thoraco-abdominoschisis (n=8, 72%), limb defect(n=7, 64%), facial defect(n=7, 64%), kyphoscoliosis(n=5, 45%), cranial defect(n=5, 45%), amniotic band(n=5, 45%) and umbilical cord anomaly(n=4, 36%). CONCLUSION: The most common ultrasonography features of limb-body wall complex were thoraco-abdominoschisis and kyphoscoliosis while the thoraco-abdominoschisis and limb defects were the most frequent findings at autopsy.
Keywords: Fetus, abnormalities; Fetus, US
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