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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1999;18(4): 305-312.
Clinical Significance of Three-dimensional Sonohy sterography.
Eun Hye Lee, Mi Hwa Lee, Chan Lee, Jong Wook Kim, Myung Choel Shin
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, College of Medicine Pochon Cha University.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the usefulness of three-dimensional sonohysterography (3D SHG) in the evaluation of uterine endometrial and submucosal lesions in comparison with conventional two-dimensional sonohysterography (2D SHG). MATERIALS and METHODS: Our series consisted of 26 patients (mean aged 41 years) who complained of uterine bleeding, menorrhagia, or dysmenorrhea. 2D SHG was performed, and then 3D SHG was done after the volume mode was switched on. Simultaneous display of three perpendicular two-dimensional planes and surface rendering of findings on particular section were obtained. We analyzed whether the endometrium was thickened or not, and the location, size, shape, echogenicity, posterior shadowing, and echogenic rim of the focal lesion. The results were compared with the pathologic findings or MRI. RESULTS: There were submucosal myomas (n=12), intramural myomas (n=2), endometrial polyps (n=7), placental polyp (n=1), and normal endometrial cavities (n=4) on SHG. Nineteen cases were confirmed by pathologic findings or MRI. The results were correlated in 89% (17/19) of the cases. We misdiagnosed 2 cases; focal endometrial hyperplasia and choriocarcinoma were misdiagnosed as endometrial polyp and placental polyp, respectively. Imaging diagnoses were same in the both techniques. CONCLUSION:Comparing with 2D SHG, 3D SHG provided a subjective display of pathologic findings and an additional information about spatial relationship between focal lesion and surroundings.
Keywords: Ultrasound (US); Vagina; US; Ultrasound (US) three-dimensional; Uterus myometrium; Uterine neoplasms; Uterus endometrium
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