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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1999;18(3): 187-192.
Comparison of Power Doppler and Color Doppler Ultrasonography in the Detection of Intratesticular Blood Flow of Normal Infants.
Sung Ran Shin, Ho Kyoung Lee, Won Gyun Lee, Dong Joon Youk, Taek Soo Rho, Min Jin Lee, Sang Chun Lee
Department of Radiology, Seoul Red Cross Hospital, Korea.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To Compare color Doppler ultrasonography (US) and power Doppler US in the detection of intratesticular blood flow in normal infants and to asses the symmetry of blood flow. MATERIALS and METHODS: Testicular blood flow was assesed prospectively in 100 testes of 50 infants with both power and color Doppler US. We compared the power Doppler with color Doppler to detect intratesticular blood. When the flow was detected, intratesticular blood flow was graded as follows : grade 1 : single intratesticular Doppler signal; grade 2 : multiple intratesticular Doppler signals. The symmetry of intratesticular flow was assesd by using the same method. RESULTS: Intratesticular flow was detected in 72 (72%) and 68 (68%) testes on power and color Doppler US, respectively. In 76 testes (76%), intratesticular flow was detected in either one or both techniques. On Power Doppler US, grade 1 was seen in 40 testes and grade 2 in 32 testes. On color Doppler US, grade 1 was noted in 52 testes and grade 2 in 16 testes. Testicular blood flow was symmetric on both power and color Doppler US in each patient. CONCLUSION:There was no difference between power Doppler and color Doppler ultrasonography in detecting intratesticular blood flow in normal infants.
Keywords: Testis US; Ultrasound (US); Doppler studies; Ultrasound (US) power; Doppler studies
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