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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1999;18(3): 155-159.
Subcapsular Hemangioma in Liver: Causing Focal Bulging of Hepatic Contour?.
Chang Gug Kim, Hyung Chul Shin, Il Young Kim, Young Hwa Kim, Gun Soo Han, Young Tong Kim, Sung Shick Jou
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University, Korea.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To find out whether subcapsular hemangioma showed focal bulging of hepatic contour or not and if it did, to know incidence and correlate it with size. MATERIALS and METHODS: From May 1994 to December 1998, we retrospectively analysed 28 hemangiomas of 23 patients which had been diagnosed pathologically, on the base of CT, MRI and Tc 99m-RBC scan. There were 9 men and 14 women with a mean age of 54.3 years ( range; 33-80 years). RESULTS: Thirteen cases (46%) of total 28 hemangiomas showed focal bulging of hepatic contour. Fifteen hemangiomas were located in the right lobe and 13 in the left lobe. Six cases (40%) of right lobe hemangioma and seven cases (54%) of left lobe hemangioma showed focal bulging of hepatic contour. The diameter of hemangiomas was ranged 1.5-9.0 (mean, 3.8)cm. Eleven cases of 14 hemangiomas below 3cm showed no focal bulging of hepatic contour (79%). Ten cases of 14 hemangiomas above 3cm showed focal bulging of hepatic contour (71%). CONCLUSION: Subcapsular hemangioma could frequently show focal bulging of hepatic contour and the larger a hemangioma was, the more frequently focal bulging of hepatic contour occured.
Keywords: Liver neoplasms US; Liver hemangioma
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