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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1999;18(2): 137-142.
Intraductal Papilloma of the Breast: US Findings and Pathologic Correlation.
Sang Beom Son, Hyeon Sook Kim, Hak Hee Kim, Eun Sook Cha, Kyung Sub Song, Byung Gil Choi, Kang Hun Lee, Hyun Ju Choi, Hyun Ja Shin
1Department of Radiology, Catholic University College of Medicine.
2Department of Clinical Pathology, Catholic University College of Medicine.
3Department of Radiology, Korea Veteran's Hospital.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: For analysis of ultrasonographic findings of intraductal papilloma, and correlation to the pathologic findings. MATERIALS and METHODS:Ultrasonographic, mammographic and clinico- pathologic findings of 50 intraductal papillomas in 42 patients were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: The ultrasonographic findings of 50 masses were solid mass within dilated duct (type I) (n=15, 30%), solid mass within cyst (type II) (n=17, 34%), solid mass without visible cyst or ductal dilatation (type III) (n=18, 36%). The type III masses were divided into heterogeneous echoic mass (type IIIa) (n=13, 26%) and homoge-neous echoic mass (type IIIb) (n=5, 10%). On microscopic examination, supporting stroma, cystic space and secretory vacuoles were found within the papillary fronds of all intraductal papillomas with variable composition. Type IIIa was proved to have hematoma within dilated duct or cyst on operation records. The mammographic findings were mass without microcalcification (n=8, 23.5%), mass with microcalcification (n=2, 5.9%), only microcalcification (n=1, 2.9%), asymmetric focal increased density (n=3, 8.8%), and normal finding (n=20, 58.8%). CONCLUSION: The ultrasonographic finding of intraductal papilloma in the breast can be classified into 4 types (type I, II, IIIa, IIIb) according to the presence of ductal dilatation or cyst and homogeneity of the echotexture of the mass. Intraductal papilloma combined with the intraductal or intracystic hematoma or associated with necrosis in the mass could explain the heterogeneity of the echotexture.
Keywords: Breast neoplasms; US
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