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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1999;18(2): 99-103.
Diffuse Uterine Adenomyosis: Transva ginal US with Histopathol ogic Correlation.
Mi Jin Song, Hye Sun Kim, Myung Sook Lee, Hyeun Cha Cho, Young Ho Lee
1Department of Radiology, Samsung Cheil Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine.
2Department of Pathology, Samsung Cheil Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To correlate transvaginal sonographic findings with histopathology in diffuse uterine adenomyosis. MATERIALS and METHODS: We prospectively analized the transvaginal sonographic findings of 15 patients undergoing hysterectomy for adenomyosis. Diffuse adenomyosis was diagnosed when an abnormal echotexture (heterogenous echogenicity, decreased echogenicity, increased echogenicity, cystic lesion) was present in myometrium of enlarged uterus. We evaluate the size of the uterus, abnormal echotexture in myometrium and anterior and posterior myometrial wall thickness. RESULTS: Transvaginal sonographic findings of diffuse adenomyosis are enlarged uterus (n = 15), heterogenous and increased echogenicity in myometrium (n = 10), heterogenous echogenicity in myometrium (n = 4), heterogenous and increased echogenicity with cystic lesion in myometrium (n = 1), The posterior myometrial wall is equal to anterior wall (n = 7), thicker than anterior wall (n = 4), thinner than anterior wall (n = 4). The histopathologic findings including ectopic endometrial gland (n = 14), muscular hypertrophy (n = 15), myoma (n = 4). Diffuse adenomyosis was confirmed except one case that proved myoma. CONCLUSION: Transvaginal sonographic findings of enlarged uterus with heterogenous and increased echotexture in myometrium of adenomyosis is correlated with ectopic endometrial gland with secondary muscular hypertrophy.
Keywords: Uterus abnormalities; Uterus US
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