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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1997;16(4): 367-372.
Sonographic Features of Ovarian Fibromatous Tumors: Atypical Cystic Lesion.
Doo Kyung Kang, Eun Ju Lee
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Ajou University School of Medicine, Korea.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To describe the sonographic patterns of the ovarian fibromatous tumors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The sonographic findings of 19 patients with pathologically proved fibroma, thecofibroma, and cystadenofibroma were reviewed retrospectively, Typical finding of these tumors were a homogenous hypochoic solid mass with posterior shadowing, and atypical findings were characterized as followed: a homogenous hypoechoic solid mass with central or peripheral cyst (pattern 1), an unilocular cystic mass with mural nodule (pattern 2), a multilocular cystic mass with thick septa (pattern 3), and a mixed mass with hypoechoic solid and multilocular cystic lesion (pattern 4). RESULTS: Among the 7 cases of fibroma, 4 cases showed atypical finding, pattern 1 in 2 cases, pattern 4 in 2 cases with associated torsion or endosalpingiosis. Of the 4 cases of thecofibroma, 2 cases showed pattern 1. All 9 cases of cystadenofibroma showed atypical finding, pattern 2 in 5 cases, pattern 3 in 2 cases, and pattern 4 in 2 cases. In the 9 patients who had color Doppler sonography, a blood flow was detected in 3 patients and the range of resistive index from 0.29 to 0.52. CONCLUSION: Atypical cystic or mixed Patterns of the ovarian fibromatous tumors were relatively common and may cause difficulty in differentiation from other malignant tumors. Therefore, we must be familiar with these atypical findings in fibromatous tumors and correct interpretation of these sonographic patterns can be essential for preoperative diagnosis and proper treatment of the ovarian fibromatous tumors.
Keywords: Ovary. neoplasm; Ovary. US studies; Ovary. fibroma; Ovary. thecoma; Ovary. cystadenofibroma
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