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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1997;16(4): 355-361.
Endornetriomas: Appearance on Transvaginal Sonography.
Myung Sook Lee, Hyeun Cha Cho, Mi Jin Song, Young Ho Lee
Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Samsung cheil Hospital, Sung Kyun Kwan University College of Medicine, Korea.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To determine findings of endometriomas for differentiating from other ovarian disease. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Surgically proved 125 cases of endometrioma were retrospectively reviewed for the sonographic feature in terms of the mass size, shape, wall thickness, inner wall contour, internal echogenicity, presence of septation, acoustic enhancement, and adhesion. The presence of uterine abnormality and of free fluid in col-de-sac were also evaluated. RESULTS: Mass size ranged from 2.5 cm to 10.4 cm in diameter with average diameter of 4.9 cm. The most common finding of endometrioma was a homogeneous low level internal echo, seen in 107 cases (85.6%). This may be present diffusely or in one or several loculations of a multiloculated cystic mass. Regular inner wall was also seen in 106 cases (84.8%). Internal septations and acoustic enhancement were seen in 63 cases (50.4%) and 57 cases (45.6%), respectively. Internal focal hyperechogenicity and adhesion were less frequently seen in 20 cases (16%) and 23 cases (18.4%), respectively. CONCLUSION: The most common findings of endometriomas on transvaginal ultrasound were homogeneous low level internal echo and regular inner wall of cystic mass with or without internal septation. We suggested that those findings could be characteristics of endometriomas.
Keywords: Endometriosis; Ovary. cysts; Ovary. US
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