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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1997;16(3): 285-291.
The Sonographic Appearance of the External Callus Formation in Phalangeal Fracture.
Ho Kyeong Hwang, Hyeon Hee Kim, Duk Hee Yoon, Geun Eo, Hyung Lae Lee, Jung Hee Lee, Don Young Lee, Jae Heon Cha, Jeong Joon Park
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Kwang Myung Sung Ae Hospital, Korea.
2Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Dae Lim Saint Mary Hospital, Korea.
3Department of Plastic Surgery, Kwang Myung Sung Ae Hospital, Korea.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the sonographic appearance of external callus formations about 4 weeks after the internal fixation of phalangeal fractures or complete amputations. MATERIALS & METHODS: We performed sonography of fracture sites in 28 phalangeal fractures(18 patients) about 4 weeks after the internal fixation. We analysed the appearances of external callus formations and the distance of fracture gap on ultrasonogram. RESULTS: Among 28 cases, the sonographic appearances of fracture sites showed the callus formation(11 cases), hypoechoic foci(4 cases), indiscriminated or no callus formation (13 cases). According to the distance of fracture gap, external callus formations were seen in 2 of 11 cases (less than 1 mm gap) and in 9 of 13 cases(1~2. 5 mm gap). There was no external callus formation in all 4 cases of greater than 2.5 mm gap. According to the fracture type. external callus formations were seen in 7 of 15 cases of simple fractures, and in 4 of 13 cases of comminuted fracrures. External callus formations were well seen in the cases of simple fractures and fracture gaps of 1~2.5 mm. There were evidences of external callus formation in 11 of 20 cases of arteriorrhaphy, but none of 8 cases without arteriorrhaphy. CONCLUSION: On sonographic examination of phalangal fractures, external callus formations were affected by the fracture types and fracture gaps. We think that sonographic evaluation of phalangeal fractures aid the evaluation of fracture healing in addition to simple plain film.
Keywords: Fracture. US; Amputation. US; Phalanx. US
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