Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Korea.
Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the mammographic and sonographic findings of breast cancers and define the features with the highest frequency. MATERIALS & METHODS: Mammographic and sonographic findings of 39 cases of breast cancer that were confirmed by histopathologic examination were analyzed retrospectively. Mammographic criteria includes margin of the mass, internal density, depth/width ratio, microcalcification and secondary findings such as thickening of Cooper's ligament, architectural distorsion, nipple retraction. And the margin of the mass, internal echogenicity, peripheral echogenic rim, depth/width ratio, posterior enhancement, edge shadowing and posterior shadowing were evaluated on breast sonography RESULTS: Mammograms of breast cancer show spiculated or ill-defined margin of mass in 30 cases (86%), internal increased density of mass in 29 cases (83%), depth/width > 1 of mass in 18 cases (51%), microcalcification in 12 cases (34%), thickening of Cooper's ligament in 18 cases (51%), architectural distortion in 10 cases (29%), and nipple retraction in 4 cases (11%). The frequency of sonographic findings of breast carcinoma were 38 cases (97%) of mass with hypoechogenlcity, 32 cases (82%) of indistinct margin, 30 cases (77%) of peripheral echogenic rim, 28 cases (71%) of depth/width > 1, 22 cases (56%) of posterior enhancement, 19 cases (49%) of edge shadowing, and 14 cases (36%) of posterior shadowing. And each of them is statistically significant (Chi-square test, p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Among the findings of breast cancer, the features with the highest frequency are spiculated, or irregular margin, increased density of mass on mammogrpahy, and irregular marginated, hypoehcoic mass on sonogrpahy.