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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1997;16(1): 87-93.
Mammographic and Sonographic Findings of Breast Cancer.
Min Hee Lee, Hye Young Choi, Hee Ja Yun, Young Ah Cho, Seung Yeon Baek
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Korea.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the mammographic and sonographic findings of breast cancers and define the features with the highest frequency. MATERIALS & METHODS: Mammographic and sonographic findings of 39 cases of breast cancer that were confirmed by histopathologic examination were analyzed retrospectively. Mammographic criteria includes margin of the mass, internal density, depth/width ratio, microcalcification and secondary findings such as thickening of Cooper's ligament, architectural distorsion, nipple retraction. And the margin of the mass, internal echogenicity, peripheral echogenic rim, depth/width ratio, posterior enhancement, edge shadowing and posterior shadowing were evaluated on breast sonography RESULTS: Mammograms of breast cancer show spiculated or ill-defined margin of mass in 30 cases (86%), internal increased density of mass in 29 cases (83%), depth/width > 1 of mass in 18 cases (51%), microcalcification in 12 cases (34%), thickening of Cooper's ligament in 18 cases (51%), architectural distortion in 10 cases (29%), and nipple retraction in 4 cases (11%). The frequency of sonographic findings of breast carcinoma were 38 cases (97%) of mass with hypoechogenlcity, 32 cases (82%) of indistinct margin, 30 cases (77%) of peripheral echogenic rim, 28 cases (71%) of depth/width > 1, 22 cases (56%) of posterior enhancement, 19 cases (49%) of edge shadowing, and 14 cases (36%) of posterior shadowing. And each of them is statistically significant (Chi-square test, p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Among the findings of breast cancer, the features with the highest frequency are spiculated, or irregular margin, increased density of mass on mammogrpahy, and irregular marginated, hypoehcoic mass on sonogrpahy.
Keywords: Breast; neoplasm. Ultrasonography; Breast; neoplasm. Radiography
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